Wednesday 12 September 2007

Programme Office Liaison Meeting - 12 Sept 07

The main points of interest from this meeting was the decisions made around the progress report template and the next template to be reviewed.

Progress report template(s)
Two progress report templates have been reviewed by the Programme Office. It has been agreed that both templates (with a few minor alterations to ensure heading consistency and JISC branding) would be made available from the JISC website, to replace the current template available to projects. The longer one was submitted by me (on behalf of the eLearning team) and the second, much shorter one, by James (on behalf of the eResearch Team). It was agreed by the group that Programme Managers could use their judgement on which template they use with projects - with the suggestion that projects being asked for less frequent progress updates should use the longer template and those being asked for more frequent reports should be given the shorter one to use for most reporting periods, possibly using the longer one on an annual basis to capture additional information.

Note: It was confirmed that it is not expected that progress reports will be uploaded to JISC project websites. This would be at the discretion of the Programme Manager concerned and if published, should be checked by the Programme Manager for any sensitive data that needs to be removed before being made public.

Next template review
It was agreed by the group that the next template to be reviewed, at the request of me/eLearning team, would be the Final and Completion Reports. Richard McK said that Policy would need to be consulted on any changes to these, but that he was happy for a revised template to be put forward by the eLearning team, which could then be reviewed by the wider Programme Office Liaison Group and Policy.

Action: HW to pull together another small working group from the eLearning Team to work on developing updated Final and Completion Report templates.

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